Toy Showcase #4
Toy Showcase #4 – call for participants
Let’s create an exhibition together!
A participatory project of the Toy Museum in Krakow
Everyone is invited!
October 8 – November 26, 2022
Exhibition opening: December 3, 2022
Edition 4 at the Feliks Jasieński Szołayski House – a branch of the National Museum in Krakow
Address: pl. Szczepański 9, Krakow
This project is held in English*
Would you like to work in a museum, even for a while? Create an exhibition yourself? Get to know the collection up close, select objects (even hold them in your hand), invent stories around them and tell them to the audience? Thanks to the cooperation of the Toy Museum and the National Museum in Krakow, it is possible.
We invite everyone to play with the collection of historical toys. You will be the curators of the museum exhibition. There is no need to have previous experience of working in a museum, or even in culture, but being open to new challenges and opportunities will do the trick!
The exhibition is created during six workshops. Together with the Sosenko family, which has gathered the largest collection of toys in Poland, in a small group of participants-curators, we get to know old toys. The curators come up with the theme of the exhibition, select objects, interpret them, write captions, and finally work with the artist on the form of presentation. We are open to curators’ ideas (also crazy ones) – we provide support, and the exhibition is created by a group of curators.
The point of reference to the personal display of the collection will be the exhibition “Objects. Gallery of Polish Design of the 20th and 21st Centuries” presented at the Szołayski House. During the workshop, curators will meet the creator of the toy collection, Marek Sosenko. Work on the exhibition will be facilitated by the directors of the Toy Museum, Katarzyna Sosenko and Katarzyna Jagodzińska, and the arrangement will be created together with Mateusz Okoński, an internationally renowned visual artist. Within the project curators will also get acquainted with the technique of creating traditional wooden toys and will make their own toys with the folk artist in the field of toy making from Stryszawa, Piotr Mentel. Of course everyone will take these toys home!
The exhibition will be presented in showcases placed in the museum windows, thanks to which it will be available both inside during the opening hours of the Szołayski House, and from outside around the clock.
Workshops will be held in small groups of up to 15 people in Szołayski House (pl. Szczepański 9, Krakow), and one guest meeting at the Podgórze Museum (ul. B. Limanowskiego 51, Krakow), where the Polish-language edition of the project will be carried out simultaneously.
We will end the project with a publication summarising our joint work and a documentary film.
* If you would rather participate in the Polish edition of the project at the Podgórze Museum, please see the call available here
all meetings take place on Saturdays (note that there is different duration)
October 8, 2022 at 11:15 am – 13:15 pm: workshop with toy collection, after the workshop an opportunity to visit the temporary exhibition “There Stood a Manor House” presented at the Podgórze Museum, workshop held at the Podgórze Museum (ul. B. Limanowskiego 51, Krakow) – one time only
October 15, 2022 at 10:15 am – 12:45 pm: workshop with toy collection, joint visit to the exhibition “Objects”, with which the exhibition of toys will be in dialogue, meeting at the Szołayski House (pl. Szczepański 9, Krakow)
October 22, 2022 at 10:15 am – 1:15 pm: creative workshop – show and making wooden toys, meeting at the Szołayski House
November 5, 2022 at 10:15 am – 12:15 pm: workshop with toy collection, workshop with texts, meeting at the Szołayski House
November 19, 2022 at 10:15 am – 12:15 pm: workshop with texts and work with the artist (arranger), meeting at the Szołayski House
November 26, 2022 at 10:15 am – 1:15 pm: work with the artist (arranger), meeting at the Szołayski House
December 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm: opening of the exhibition
We reserve the right to make minor changes to the programme.
“Toy Showcase” is a series of workshops carried out by the Toy Museum in Krakow in cooperation with the Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor, the Podgórze Museum (a branch of the Krakow Museum) and the National Museum in Krakow. In total, there will be five editions of the project, i.e. five exhibitions.
Please send your applications for participation in the full cycle (not in individual workshops) by e-mail
Entries, questions, suggestions:
Everyone is welcome to join the project – adults, kids (with adults), youth, families.
Participation in the project is free of charge.
Project coordination: Katarzyna Jagodzińska and Katarzyna Sosenko
Coordination of “Toy Showcases #4” on behalf of the National Museum in Krakow: Anna Orzeł
Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund
Photos from previous edition of the “Toy Showcases”